Why you should read The Book for Our Time and what is it about

Julius De Smedt
2 min readMar 12, 2024


Revelation is about the day of the First Resurrection, also known as The Rapture. (Rev. 20:6 and 1 Thes.4:13–18).

The Book for our Time is Revelations revealed! Each aspect of the Book of Revelations in the Bible with Bible verses as motivation for the statements. God gave Revelations to give those who believe and follow Him the knowledge to know in advance what they can expect and to understand why the situations in the world happen the way they do. (Rom. 16:25–26).

The Purpose of the Book

Although the Book of Our Time explains Revelations, the book is about God’s salvation plan.

When Adam and Eve were in Paradise, God promised to send someone to bruise the serpent’s head. Many years later, God sent His Son, Jesus.

When Jesus was born, everybody waited for His birth, but few expected and recognised Him. The result was that those who waited for Jesus crucified Him!

When Jesus ascended to His Father, the angels promised Jesus would return. Presently, everybody believes that will happen. Unfortunately, similar to the Jews, few expect the imminent return of Jesus.

The Book for Our Time reminds us of Jesus’s promise to His disciples that He would return and go to His Father to prepare a place for them.

Are you ready for His return?

More about the Book of Our Time

The author became inspired after reading the original book published in 1872, after which he started his research to complete the book after twenty years.

The general belief is that Revelation is about the End Time, the period shortly before Jesus’s return. The truth, however, is that Revelation started immediately after Jesus’s ascension.

God used the congregations of the first Christians to reveal the future. Jesus was concerned that He would eventually return, only to find no faith in Him left. The character of each congregation explains Jesus’ concern.

Revelations also predict the present political situation. Jesus mentioned there will be a time like never before. Revelations explain the build-up of the negative behaviour of the nations. Let the holy be more holy and the evil more evil. In our daily lives, we experience the growing difference between the two.

Why should you read the Book of Our Time

The Book of Our Time reminds us of God’s promises. In His prayer in the Garden before his crucifixion, Jesus prayed to His Father to protect those His Father gave to Him. God gave Revelations to those who believe and follow Jesus and whom Jesus prayed for.

This book encourages believers and helps them understand why the things happening in the world happen. It answers the question of why God allows evil things to happen and enables believers to remain faithful.

